KUCHING: Only two issues is left for the state government to resolve before it could move the residents of four villages affected by the RM310 million Bengoh Dam in Padawan to a new resettlement area provided for them.
The affected villagers said before they decided to move out from their ancestral land, the government must pay full compensation for their land, crops and to be provided with free houses at the resettlement area.
A government officer entrusted by the State Government to negotiate with the affected villages said it now up to the State Government whether to meet the villagers demands or otherwise.
The officer said that so far the government has compensated those land which will be flooded by the dam’s water but has not compensated their crops and land that are not going to be flooded.
Following the dam construction, residents of Kampung Taba Sait now move their homes to higher ground near the existing village.
The officer said a minster has discussed with Minister of Rural Development Datuk Shafie Abdal on the possibility of building free houses for the affected families at the resettlement area situated between Kampung Semadang in Penrissen and Kampung Skio in Bau district.
"We are still awaiting for the state government's decision on compensation payments and responses from Datuk Shafie on giving free houses," said the officer concerned to Harian Metro.
The officer said, before this Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad has been entrusted funds and build the houses, then sold to people involved at RM48, 000 each unit.
However, the affected villaers said they will not buy the houses and will continue to live in their existing villages.
There are 359 families from four villages affected by the project.
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Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sagah warned ketua kampung not to support opposition
KUCHING: Tarat State Assemblyman Roland Sagah Wee Inn has warned community leaders in his constituency not to support the opposition and told them not to allow the opposition to enter their respective village.
“If any ketua kampung allows the opposition into their village, that ketua kampung should resign because you are not qualified to become the ketua kampung.
“This directive I am giving to all the ketua kampung in my constituency only because I want my constituency to develop,” he said when gracing a dinner organised by Kuching District Bidayuh Community Leaders Recreation Club at Tapah Community Hall, 22 km from Kuching.
Hence he asked Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) to leave the Tarat constituency and to stop harping on land issue in trying to win the support of the voters in the area.
He said PKR and any other opposition parties are only wasting their time instigating the rakyat in the area and trying to destroy the future of the people in the constituency.
“Go away from my constituency. Leave us alone, destroy your own people and not destroying our people here,” said Sagah.
Sagah said he has lost patience with the way the opposition telling lies and instigating the people in his constituency, which he described as bad for the people.
“All the while I have been very quiet on the matter but now I have lost my patience and speaks in order to save the people I am representing,” he added.
He also warned the constituents on the implications if they believe in the lies spread by the opposition, adding that the rakyat will lose every opportunity to improve their life.
“Don’t allow the dogs (referring to the opposition) to bite you because you will be hurt by them,” he stressed.
Sagah explained that the government acquired land for implementing projects which in return will benefit the people.
“To build road the government need to acquire land and to build dams the government also need to acquire land because both facilities cannot be built in the sky,” he added.
Thus, Sagah hoped the people in his constituency will understand why the government acquired land in their area, adding the projects are being implemented for the benefit of the people.
He also wanted the people of Kampung Sait, Kampung Rejoi, Kampung Bojong and Kampung Pain who are affected by the RM310 million Bengoh Dam to understand the purpose of building the dam.
On development projects in his constituency, Sagah said the ketua kampung should be proactive and come to discuss with him what they wanted for their village.
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“If any ketua kampung allows the opposition into their village, that ketua kampung should resign because you are not qualified to become the ketua kampung.
“This directive I am giving to all the ketua kampung in my constituency only because I want my constituency to develop,” he said when gracing a dinner organised by Kuching District Bidayuh Community Leaders Recreation Club at Tapah Community Hall, 22 km from Kuching.
Hence he asked Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) to leave the Tarat constituency and to stop harping on land issue in trying to win the support of the voters in the area.
He said PKR and any other opposition parties are only wasting their time instigating the rakyat in the area and trying to destroy the future of the people in the constituency.
“Go away from my constituency. Leave us alone, destroy your own people and not destroying our people here,” said Sagah.
Sagah said he has lost patience with the way the opposition telling lies and instigating the people in his constituency, which he described as bad for the people.
“All the while I have been very quiet on the matter but now I have lost my patience and speaks in order to save the people I am representing,” he added.
He also warned the constituents on the implications if they believe in the lies spread by the opposition, adding that the rakyat will lose every opportunity to improve their life.
“Don’t allow the dogs (referring to the opposition) to bite you because you will be hurt by them,” he stressed.
Sagah explained that the government acquired land for implementing projects which in return will benefit the people.
“To build road the government need to acquire land and to build dams the government also need to acquire land because both facilities cannot be built in the sky,” he added.
Thus, Sagah hoped the people in his constituency will understand why the government acquired land in their area, adding the projects are being implemented for the benefit of the people.
He also wanted the people of Kampung Sait, Kampung Rejoi, Kampung Bojong and Kampung Pain who are affected by the RM310 million Bengoh Dam to understand the purpose of building the dam.
On development projects in his constituency, Sagah said the ketua kampung should be proactive and come to discuss with him what they wanted for their village.
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Saturday, December 18, 2010
Kejohanan Bola Sepak SPDP sampai ke kemuncak
KUCHING: Bravo FC dari Kampung Mambong muncul juara Kejohanan Bola Sepak Parti Demokratik Progresif Sarawak (SPDP) Mambong dengan menewaskan pasukan SPDP Kampung Tabuan Rabak pada pertandingan akhir yang berlangsung di padang Kampung tabuan Rabak dekat sini, baru-baru ini.
Gol kemenangan pasukan Bravo FC dijaringkan oleh Oscar Ivan pada minit ke-34 setelah berjaya merembat masuk bola ketika berlaku pergelutan di depan pintu gol pasukan SPDP Kampung Tabuan Rabak.
Perlawanan pada separuh masa pertama menyaksikan kedua-dua pasukan lebih suka bertahan, namun sebaik babak kedua bermula pasukan Bravo FC terus melancarkan serangan pantas sehingga berjaya menjaringkan gol pendahuluan pada minit ke-34.
Pasukan SPDP Kampung Tabuan cuba bangkit dengan melancarkan beberapa serangan ke depan pintu gol Bravo FC, namun gagal untuk mendapatkan gol penyamaan.
Tempat ketiga disandang pasukan NB FC dari Kota Samarahan sementara tempat keempat ialah pasukan SBU FC.
Sebanyak 22 pasukan mengambil bahagian dalam pertandingan yang dimainkan secara kalah mati itu.
Pegawai Perhubungan SPDP Bahagian Kuching Kapten Zainuddin Tan Sri Hamdan Sirat menyampaikan hadiah kepada pasukan yang menang.
Pertandingan itu adalah antara beberapa acara sukan dan aktiviti rekreasi yang diaturkan oleh Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi SPDP Mambong (Resdemop) untuk golongan belia di kawasan pilihan raya Parlimen Mambong yang merangkumi dua kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri, iaitu Bengoh dan Tarat.
Sementara itu, Resdemop turut mendermakan 15 tan pasir bagi membaiki padang bola sepak Kampung Tabuan Rabak.
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Gol kemenangan pasukan Bravo FC dijaringkan oleh Oscar Ivan pada minit ke-34 setelah berjaya merembat masuk bola ketika berlaku pergelutan di depan pintu gol pasukan SPDP Kampung Tabuan Rabak.
Perlawanan pada separuh masa pertama menyaksikan kedua-dua pasukan lebih suka bertahan, namun sebaik babak kedua bermula pasukan Bravo FC terus melancarkan serangan pantas sehingga berjaya menjaringkan gol pendahuluan pada minit ke-34.
Pasukan SPDP Kampung Tabuan cuba bangkit dengan melancarkan beberapa serangan ke depan pintu gol Bravo FC, namun gagal untuk mendapatkan gol penyamaan.
Tempat ketiga disandang pasukan NB FC dari Kota Samarahan sementara tempat keempat ialah pasukan SBU FC.
Sebanyak 22 pasukan mengambil bahagian dalam pertandingan yang dimainkan secara kalah mati itu.
Pegawai Perhubungan SPDP Bahagian Kuching Kapten Zainuddin Tan Sri Hamdan Sirat menyampaikan hadiah kepada pasukan yang menang.
Pertandingan itu adalah antara beberapa acara sukan dan aktiviti rekreasi yang diaturkan oleh Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi SPDP Mambong (Resdemop) untuk golongan belia di kawasan pilihan raya Parlimen Mambong yang merangkumi dua kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri, iaitu Bengoh dan Tarat.
Sementara itu, Resdemop turut mendermakan 15 tan pasir bagi membaiki padang bola sepak Kampung Tabuan Rabak.
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Friday, December 17, 2010
Gelora di kawasan Bidayuh
Parti Rakyat Bersatu Sarawak (SUPP) semakin terdesak sekarang.
ADUN Bengoh YB Dr Jerip Susil daripada SUPP kini terpaksa bekerja keras.
Setiap hujung minggu beliau mengadakan majlis makan malam bersama orang dan kumpulan tertentu bagi menagih sokongan menjelang pilihan raya negeri Sarawak yang akan diadakan pada bila-bila masa (sebelum Julai tahun depan.
Sebelum ini beliau telah mengadakan jamuan makan malam bersama anggota-anggota Rela di kawasan Penriseen dan Padawan, bersama graduan Bidayuh dan pada Sabtu ini (18 Disember) beliau akan bersama Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (AJKKK) di kawasan pilihan raya beliau. Majlis itu akan berlangsung di dewan serbaguna Tapah.
Bagaimanapun, pencalonan YB Dr Jerip dikatakan belum pasti kerana timbul desas-desus beliau mungkin diganti dengan calon lain walaupun sebelum ini presiden parti Tan Sri Dr George Chan berkata semua penyandang kerusi akan dikekalkan.
Sementara Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) dikatakan akan mempertaruhkan seorang anak watan dari Kampung Bratan, Penriseen untuk merampaskan kerusi itu daripada SUPP.
Manakala sumber berkata seorang akauntan dari Penrisesen akan direkomen kepada pucuk kepimpinan SUPP dan BN sekiranya YB Dr Jerip tidak dicalonkan semula.
Manakala di DUN Tarat penyandang kerusi itu daripada Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) YB Roland Sagah juga gusar dengan dua kemungkinan.
Kemungkinan pertama,timbul desas-desus beliau akan digugurkan pada pilihan raya akan datang dan diganti dengan calon lain.
Desas-desus kedua beliau akan dicabar calon PKR, seorang jurutera dari Padawan.
Bagi kerusi Kedup desas-desus mengatakan penyandang kerusi dari PBB YB Frederick Bayoi akan digugurkan dan akan diganti oleh Dr Eric Munjan, walaupun Bayoi telah berulang kali menyatakan kesediaan beliau bertanding semula.
Ramai mengatakan YB Bayoi sudah terlalu lama berkhidmat di kawasan itu dan sudah sampai masanya beliau mengundur diri bagi memberi laluan kepada calon yang lebih muda dan lebih dinamik.
Di kerusi Tebedu, penyandangnya Dato Sri Michael Manyin berkata beliau akan bertanding untuk mempertahankan kerusi itu, dan peluang beliau amat cerah untuk dicalonkan semula.
Walaupun berkata bahawa beliau mempunyai sokongan yang kuat daripada pengundi di kawasan itu, namun masyarakat Bidayuh pada keseluruhannya kurang berpuas hati dengan peranan yang dimainkan oleh beliau selaku seorang menteri kabinet daripada kaum Bidayuh.
Beliau dituduh lemah dan gagal dalam memperjuangkan nasib dan kepentingan masyarakat Bidayuh.
Kata mereka, Manyin kurang berani memperjuangkan kaum Bidayuh dan sering mengucapkan kata-kata seperti: "Kita serahkan kepada ketua menteri untuk membuat keputusan" atau "....ia adalah hak mutlak ketua menteri".
Di kerusi Opar yang diwakili YB Ranum Anak Mina daripada SUPP bagaimanapun kurang berbunyi, namun masyarakat di situ tidak berpuas hati dengan SUPP walaupun mereka menyukai YB Ranum untuk terus mewakili mereka.
YB Ranum kemungkinan akan berhadapan calon PKR yang berasal dari kawasan itu, yang berketurunan Selakau Lara.
Di Tasik Biru, penyandang kerusi itu YB Datuk Peter Nansian Ngusie dikatakan berkemungkinan tidak akan dicalonkan untuk mempertahankan kerusi itu. Beberapa nama telah disebut sebagai pengganti beliau termasuk seorang ahli perniagaan daripada kaum Bidayuh di kawasan itu.
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ADUN Bengoh YB Dr Jerip Susil daripada SUPP kini terpaksa bekerja keras.
Setiap hujung minggu beliau mengadakan majlis makan malam bersama orang dan kumpulan tertentu bagi menagih sokongan menjelang pilihan raya negeri Sarawak yang akan diadakan pada bila-bila masa (sebelum Julai tahun depan.
Sebelum ini beliau telah mengadakan jamuan makan malam bersama anggota-anggota Rela di kawasan Penriseen dan Padawan, bersama graduan Bidayuh dan pada Sabtu ini (18 Disember) beliau akan bersama Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (AJKKK) di kawasan pilihan raya beliau. Majlis itu akan berlangsung di dewan serbaguna Tapah.
Bagaimanapun, pencalonan YB Dr Jerip dikatakan belum pasti kerana timbul desas-desus beliau mungkin diganti dengan calon lain walaupun sebelum ini presiden parti Tan Sri Dr George Chan berkata semua penyandang kerusi akan dikekalkan.
Sementara Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) dikatakan akan mempertaruhkan seorang anak watan dari Kampung Bratan, Penriseen untuk merampaskan kerusi itu daripada SUPP.
Manakala sumber berkata seorang akauntan dari Penrisesen akan direkomen kepada pucuk kepimpinan SUPP dan BN sekiranya YB Dr Jerip tidak dicalonkan semula.
Manakala di DUN Tarat penyandang kerusi itu daripada Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) YB Roland Sagah juga gusar dengan dua kemungkinan.
Kemungkinan pertama,timbul desas-desus beliau akan digugurkan pada pilihan raya akan datang dan diganti dengan calon lain.
Desas-desus kedua beliau akan dicabar calon PKR, seorang jurutera dari Padawan.
Bagi kerusi Kedup desas-desus mengatakan penyandang kerusi dari PBB YB Frederick Bayoi akan digugurkan dan akan diganti oleh Dr Eric Munjan, walaupun Bayoi telah berulang kali menyatakan kesediaan beliau bertanding semula.
Ramai mengatakan YB Bayoi sudah terlalu lama berkhidmat di kawasan itu dan sudah sampai masanya beliau mengundur diri bagi memberi laluan kepada calon yang lebih muda dan lebih dinamik.
Di kerusi Tebedu, penyandangnya Dato Sri Michael Manyin berkata beliau akan bertanding untuk mempertahankan kerusi itu, dan peluang beliau amat cerah untuk dicalonkan semula.
Walaupun berkata bahawa beliau mempunyai sokongan yang kuat daripada pengundi di kawasan itu, namun masyarakat Bidayuh pada keseluruhannya kurang berpuas hati dengan peranan yang dimainkan oleh beliau selaku seorang menteri kabinet daripada kaum Bidayuh.
Beliau dituduh lemah dan gagal dalam memperjuangkan nasib dan kepentingan masyarakat Bidayuh.
Kata mereka, Manyin kurang berani memperjuangkan kaum Bidayuh dan sering mengucapkan kata-kata seperti: "Kita serahkan kepada ketua menteri untuk membuat keputusan" atau "....ia adalah hak mutlak ketua menteri".
Di kerusi Opar yang diwakili YB Ranum Anak Mina daripada SUPP bagaimanapun kurang berbunyi, namun masyarakat di situ tidak berpuas hati dengan SUPP walaupun mereka menyukai YB Ranum untuk terus mewakili mereka.
YB Ranum kemungkinan akan berhadapan calon PKR yang berasal dari kawasan itu, yang berketurunan Selakau Lara.
Di Tasik Biru, penyandang kerusi itu YB Datuk Peter Nansian Ngusie dikatakan berkemungkinan tidak akan dicalonkan untuk mempertahankan kerusi itu. Beberapa nama telah disebut sebagai pengganti beliau termasuk seorang ahli perniagaan daripada kaum Bidayuh di kawasan itu.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010
PKR sudah ada calon untuk kerusi Bengoh
KUCHING:Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) dikatakan sudah menentukan siapakah calonnya untuk bertanding merebut kerusi N16 Bengoh pada pilihan raya negeri akan datang, malah bakal calon itu telah pun bergerak secara senyap-senyap ke kawasan berkenaan.
Bakal calon PKR itu ketika dihubungi mengesah beliau sudah bergerak dan berharap untuk selesai melawat/berkunjungi ke semua kampung dan tempat di kawasan itu sebelum pilihan raya negeri diadakan.
"Memang benar saya berminat untuk bertanding dan kalau pencalonan saya disahkan pucuk pimpinan parti saya akan bertanding atas tiket PKR atau Pakatan Rakyat," katanya ketika dihubungi di Kuala Lumpur.
Beliau merupakan seorang anak watan dari sebuah kampung di Jalan Puncak Borneo dan berusia 38 tahun.
Ketika ini beliau bertugas di Kuala Lumpur dengan sebuah syarikat multi-national.
Selain PKR, SUPP dijangka turut mempertahankan kerusi itu, tapi belum ada kata putus siapakan calonnya walaupun sebelum ini Presiden SUPP Tan Sri Dr George Chan berkata bahawa semua ADUN parti itu akan dikekalkan pada pilihan raya negeri akan datang.
And here is the rest of it.
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Bakal calon PKR itu ketika dihubungi mengesah beliau sudah bergerak dan berharap untuk selesai melawat/berkunjungi ke semua kampung dan tempat di kawasan itu sebelum pilihan raya negeri diadakan.
"Memang benar saya berminat untuk bertanding dan kalau pencalonan saya disahkan pucuk pimpinan parti saya akan bertanding atas tiket PKR atau Pakatan Rakyat," katanya ketika dihubungi di Kuala Lumpur.
Beliau merupakan seorang anak watan dari sebuah kampung di Jalan Puncak Borneo dan berusia 38 tahun.
Ketika ini beliau bertugas di Kuala Lumpur dengan sebuah syarikat multi-national.
Selain PKR, SUPP dijangka turut mempertahankan kerusi itu, tapi belum ada kata putus siapakan calonnya walaupun sebelum ini Presiden SUPP Tan Sri Dr George Chan berkata bahawa semua ADUN parti itu akan dikekalkan pada pilihan raya negeri akan datang.
And here is the rest of it.
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Sunday, November 28, 2010
Manyin still keen to stay on
KUCHING: Infrastructure Development Minister and Communications Minister Datuk Seri Michael Manyin said if given the chance he is ever ready to contest to defend his Tebedu seat in the forthcoming state election.
“If the Barisan Nasional say I stand I will be there (in Tebedu constituency),” said Manyin in an interview with The Star.
The three terms state assemblyman said is was confident of retaining the seat for BN in coming election, adding he has strong support from the grassroot.
“I have done my very best and Iam very happy with what I had done and the people in my constituency are also very happy with the development taking place in the area.
“I promised the late Datuk Michael Ben (former state Assemblyman) that I will not disappoint him and I did what I had promised him,” he added.
Manyin said all the villages in Tebedu constituency are already link with roads and by March next year electricity supply coverage in the area will be 100 percent.
For water supply, he said the whole area will also be covered with some villages will get the gravity feed water project.
The school headmaster who turned politician said BN is able to retain all six Bidayuh majority seats in the coming election.
With his latest statement it appears that a Veterinary doctor (Dr Sindang), the person he groomed to take over from him has to wait for another five years to get the chance to contest in the election.
Dr Christopher Kiyui, who runs a private clinic in Bau was also speculated to take over from Manyin.
Dr Christopher hails from Kampung Taie, near Tebedu, the same village with former State Assembly speaker Datuk Seri Robert Jacob Ridu.
In N16 Bengoh, the grassroots are still supportive of incumbent Dr Belek @Jerip Anak Susil, 53, from the troubled Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) which lost eight seats at the last state election in 2006.
They still want Dr Jerip top stay on but not the party he is representing. They wanted SUPP to move out of the constituency and swap the seat with either Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) or Sarawak Progressive Demokratik Party (SPDP).
“Dr Jerip he is still relatively young in politics. He still has at least 10 more years to be in active politics and to ease him out prematurely is a lost to the constituency,” said his supporters.
At least four individuals are keen on the seat. They are a senior custom officer, a bank officer, an accountant and two times election candidate Mangan Ngandok.
“No matter who is the representative in Bengoh if he/she is from SUPP it will make no difference,” said Dr Jerip sympathizers.
Recently Dr Jerip Susil said his Bidayuh community was unhappy that some party members were spreading slander about him, adding to their discontent about the party’s choice of a Chinese member to chair the Padawan Municipal Council.
He said his detractors within the party had been accusing him of spending too much time at his medical clinic and failing to serve his constituents in Bengoh.
“I know they have been carrying out nasty campaigns against me. They want me out because I am a rival to one of the party’s leaders.
”Fortunately, they belong to a small group in SUPP.”
Jerip said it was true that he spent most his time at his clinic, but added that the clinic doubled as a service centre for his constituents.
SPDP is making its presence there and had won praises from the people.
Bengoh is one of two Bidayuh-majority seats controlled by SUPP. The other is Opar.
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KUCHING: Infrastructure Development Minister and Communications Minister Datuk Seri Michael Manyin said if given the chance he is ever ready to contest to defend his Tebedu seat in the forthcoming state election.
“If the Barisan Nasional say I stand I will be there (in Tebedu constituency),” said Manyin in an interview with The Star.
The three terms state assemblyman said is was confident of retaining the seat for BN in coming election, adding he has strong support from the grassroot.
“I have done my very best and Iam very happy with what I had done and the people in my constituency are also very happy with the development taking place in the area.
“I promised the late Datuk Michael Ben (former state Assemblyman) that I will not disappoint him and I did what I had promised him,” he added.
Manyin said all the villages in Tebedu constituency are already link with roads and by March next year electricity supply coverage in the area will be 100 percent.
For water supply, he said the whole area will also be covered with some villages will get the gravity feed water project.
The school headmaster who turned politician said BN is able to retain all six Bidayuh majority seats in the coming election.
With his latest statement it appears that a Veterinary doctor (Dr Sindang), the person he groomed to take over from him has to wait for another five years to get the chance to contest in the election.
Dr Christopher Kiyui, who runs a private clinic in Bau was also speculated to take over from Manyin.
Dr Christopher hails from Kampung Taie, near Tebedu, the same village with former State Assembly speaker Datuk Seri Robert Jacob Ridu.
In N16 Bengoh, the grassroots are still supportive of incumbent Dr Belek @Jerip Anak Susil, 53, from the troubled Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) which lost eight seats at the last state election in 2006.
They still want Dr Jerip top stay on but not the party he is representing. They wanted SUPP to move out of the constituency and swap the seat with either Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) or Sarawak Progressive Demokratik Party (SPDP).
“Dr Jerip he is still relatively young in politics. He still has at least 10 more years to be in active politics and to ease him out prematurely is a lost to the constituency,” said his supporters.
At least four individuals are keen on the seat. They are a senior custom officer, a bank officer, an accountant and two times election candidate Mangan Ngandok.
“No matter who is the representative in Bengoh if he/she is from SUPP it will make no difference,” said Dr Jerip sympathizers.
Recently Dr Jerip Susil said his Bidayuh community was unhappy that some party members were spreading slander about him, adding to their discontent about the party’s choice of a Chinese member to chair the Padawan Municipal Council.
He said his detractors within the party had been accusing him of spending too much time at his medical clinic and failing to serve his constituents in Bengoh.
“I know they have been carrying out nasty campaigns against me. They want me out because I am a rival to one of the party’s leaders.
”Fortunately, they belong to a small group in SUPP.”
Jerip said it was true that he spent most his time at his clinic, but added that the clinic doubled as a service centre for his constituents.
SPDP is making its presence there and had won praises from the people.
Bengoh is one of two Bidayuh-majority seats controlled by SUPP. The other is Opar.
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The plights of Kampung Assum
CHILDREN runs around while a group of eight elder folks gathers at the veranda of a wooden house for their evening discussion.
They all looks cheerful, the village’s environment was fantastic. Life here has been wonderful — the people are very friendly to their visitors and among themselves they are very cooperative.
That explained how close their relationship – the typical life style in the Bidayuh villages in Sarawak, Malaysia.
But despite happy with their simple life style, the residents of Kampung Assum in the remote area of Padawan, about 80km from Kuching City centre are putting high hopes on the government to help change their plights.
They had been waiting for so long and are still waiting for the day when they can have basic amenities like what are being enjoyed by others in other villages.
To reach the remote Bidayuh’s village, one has to walk for one and a half hours from Kampung Kembug, the nearby village with access road to towns.
Kampung Assum has 33 families with about 450 residents. In each house there are two or three families staying together.
The village’s Development and Security Committee (JKKK) chairman, Spady Nyamat, 45, said: “We also would like to enjoying almost all the amenities like good road access, school, pipe water and electricity supply.
“When will our village going to be like other villages we still do not know. We have been waiting for all those amenities but it never came to us, and we call on the government to provide to us all those amenities.”
The name “assum” in Bidayuh dialect means sour, and that was what the resident of Kampung Assum are experiencing – sour in their mouths.
Spady believed if the village is connected with good road which is accessible by cars and bigger vehicles like lorry it would definitely change and uplift the living standard of the villagers.
“Imagine if we have good road to our village, we can plant all sort of cash crops that could generate income for the villagers like planting banana and fruit trees because it will be easy for us to bring the fruits to town to sell.
“Now it is so difficult because it will take us hours to carry the produces down to Kampung Kembug where we can catch the transport to bring them down to town.
“Left without any choice we have to sell our produces to the shops in Kampung Kembug and accept low prices but we have no other alternative to bring them to other places for higher prices,” he said.
The present stretch of road is only accessible by motorcycles and the road which started construction last years is not tar-seal or covered with gravel.
If iit rain, the surface get slippery and dusty during hot weather.
According to the sign board erected at the project’s site, the construction of the road started on September 2, 2009 and scheduled to be completed on November 5, 2009.
However the road is not tar-seal and one of the rotten bridges has collapsed and was not reconstructed.
On the electricity supply, Spady said the villagers really hope that the government consider their plight and connect the supply to the village.
“When sun goes down we see nothing, all we have is darkness, no night activities.”
The absence of electricity supply in the village has been seven years now after the generator set given by the government was swept away by big flood in 2003 .
During the flood the village not only lost its generator set by also the paddy processing machine was swept away by the strong water current.
“We cook, we eat, we bathe, we sleep. We wake up, cook, go to the farm, cook again, eat, go to the farm and that cycle goes on,” said the secretary of JKKK Kampung kembug, Bagok Kandoi.
At night the villagers depended on kerosene lamps for the light. Only four household own generator sets but are not connecting the supply to their neighbor’s house due to high maintenance cost.
“Before we used to have the village’s generator set to supply current to all the houses for three to four hours nightly.
“But now to maintain a generator is costly. Every night one has to spend RM10 to RM13 for the diesel, so if we on the TV for four hours, it will cost us RM10 to RM13,” he said.
After the generator goes off, kerosene lamps and torch lights take over.
Most of the villagers are economically productive and depend on agriculture for a living. They have enough to eat.
However, the irony is that in this high-tech age, the village is still without the basic necessity — electricity. Children there study their lessons under the light of kerosene lamps.
About 20 years ago, the villagers did not pay much attention to their homes not being connected to this central electricity supply network but now, with the advancement of ICT (information and communication technology), the lack of electricity gives them a hard time,” Spady observed.
“Technology has advanced a lot but we are still left wondering when electricity will come to our village. Every election we were promised but till today, we are still without power,” he lamented.
For children doing their school’s homework, they have to finish it before dusk or use kerosene lamps.
“Our past and present generations have been living and studying in darkness but we want our children and future generations to enjoy the benefit of electricity.
“They should know how to use computers. Even though I like to buy one for my children, what can they do without the electricity?.
“If we had electricity, they could at least study and learn more with the computer,” said Spady who has three children.
While waiting the village to be connected to the central electricity network, Spady suggest that at least the government provide the village with a brand new generator set.
The old set which was swept away by flood water was given to the village by the late Datuk Amar Stephen Yong when he was the Member of Parliament for the Padawan seat.
The village is under the Mambong Parliamentary seat and the Tarat State constituency is also being deprived of clean pipe water supply.
At present the village depends on water supply from the mountain, but the water get yellowish and dirty every time it rain.
Spady suggested that the government provide the village with water storage tanks where the water can be filtered before it is supplied to the household.
“That is the least the government can do for us,” added Spady.
Meanwhile the village headman Siyang Anak Sayod said many times the villages had requested from the government for those basic amenities to be given to them but until today they are still waiting for it.
He said at least the government should start by making the road to the village accessible by cars.
“We have been supporting the government all the while and I don’t think we should be deprived of those basic amenities,” he added.
The village also need a bigger and better community hall where meeting and activities could be held.
The facilities made available in the village are two units of solar telephones and a village.
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CHILDREN runs around while a group of eight elder folks gathers at the veranda of a wooden house for their evening discussion.
They all looks cheerful, the village’s environment was fantastic. Life here has been wonderful — the people are very friendly to their visitors and among themselves they are very cooperative.
That explained how close their relationship – the typical life style in the Bidayuh villages in Sarawak, Malaysia.
But despite happy with their simple life style, the residents of Kampung Assum in the remote area of Padawan, about 80km from Kuching City centre are putting high hopes on the government to help change their plights.
They had been waiting for so long and are still waiting for the day when they can have basic amenities like what are being enjoyed by others in other villages.
To reach the remote Bidayuh’s village, one has to walk for one and a half hours from Kampung Kembug, the nearby village with access road to towns.
Kampung Assum has 33 families with about 450 residents. In each house there are two or three families staying together.
The village’s Development and Security Committee (JKKK) chairman, Spady Nyamat, 45, said: “We also would like to enjoying almost all the amenities like good road access, school, pipe water and electricity supply.
“When will our village going to be like other villages we still do not know. We have been waiting for all those amenities but it never came to us, and we call on the government to provide to us all those amenities.”
The name “assum” in Bidayuh dialect means sour, and that was what the resident of Kampung Assum are experiencing – sour in their mouths.
Spady believed if the village is connected with good road which is accessible by cars and bigger vehicles like lorry it would definitely change and uplift the living standard of the villagers.
“Imagine if we have good road to our village, we can plant all sort of cash crops that could generate income for the villagers like planting banana and fruit trees because it will be easy for us to bring the fruits to town to sell.
“Now it is so difficult because it will take us hours to carry the produces down to Kampung Kembug where we can catch the transport to bring them down to town.
“Left without any choice we have to sell our produces to the shops in Kampung Kembug and accept low prices but we have no other alternative to bring them to other places for higher prices,” he said.
The present stretch of road is only accessible by motorcycles and the road which started construction last years is not tar-seal or covered with gravel.
If iit rain, the surface get slippery and dusty during hot weather.
According to the sign board erected at the project’s site, the construction of the road started on September 2, 2009 and scheduled to be completed on November 5, 2009.
However the road is not tar-seal and one of the rotten bridges has collapsed and was not reconstructed.
On the electricity supply, Spady said the villagers really hope that the government consider their plight and connect the supply to the village.
“When sun goes down we see nothing, all we have is darkness, no night activities.”
The absence of electricity supply in the village has been seven years now after the generator set given by the government was swept away by big flood in 2003 .
During the flood the village not only lost its generator set by also the paddy processing machine was swept away by the strong water current.
“We cook, we eat, we bathe, we sleep. We wake up, cook, go to the farm, cook again, eat, go to the farm and that cycle goes on,” said the secretary of JKKK Kampung kembug, Bagok Kandoi.
At night the villagers depended on kerosene lamps for the light. Only four household own generator sets but are not connecting the supply to their neighbor’s house due to high maintenance cost.
“Before we used to have the village’s generator set to supply current to all the houses for three to four hours nightly.
“But now to maintain a generator is costly. Every night one has to spend RM10 to RM13 for the diesel, so if we on the TV for four hours, it will cost us RM10 to RM13,” he said.
After the generator goes off, kerosene lamps and torch lights take over.
Most of the villagers are economically productive and depend on agriculture for a living. They have enough to eat.
However, the irony is that in this high-tech age, the village is still without the basic necessity — electricity. Children there study their lessons under the light of kerosene lamps.
About 20 years ago, the villagers did not pay much attention to their homes not being connected to this central electricity supply network but now, with the advancement of ICT (information and communication technology), the lack of electricity gives them a hard time,” Spady observed.
“Technology has advanced a lot but we are still left wondering when electricity will come to our village. Every election we were promised but till today, we are still without power,” he lamented.
For children doing their school’s homework, they have to finish it before dusk or use kerosene lamps.
“Our past and present generations have been living and studying in darkness but we want our children and future generations to enjoy the benefit of electricity.
“They should know how to use computers. Even though I like to buy one for my children, what can they do without the electricity?.
“If we had electricity, they could at least study and learn more with the computer,” said Spady who has three children.
While waiting the village to be connected to the central electricity network, Spady suggest that at least the government provide the village with a brand new generator set.
The old set which was swept away by flood water was given to the village by the late Datuk Amar Stephen Yong when he was the Member of Parliament for the Padawan seat.
The village is under the Mambong Parliamentary seat and the Tarat State constituency is also being deprived of clean pipe water supply.
At present the village depends on water supply from the mountain, but the water get yellowish and dirty every time it rain.
Spady suggested that the government provide the village with water storage tanks where the water can be filtered before it is supplied to the household.
“That is the least the government can do for us,” added Spady.
Meanwhile the village headman Siyang Anak Sayod said many times the villages had requested from the government for those basic amenities to be given to them but until today they are still waiting for it.
He said at least the government should start by making the road to the village accessible by cars.
“We have been supporting the government all the while and I don’t think we should be deprived of those basic amenities,” he added.
The village also need a bigger and better community hall where meeting and activities could be held.
The facilities made available in the village are two units of solar telephones and a village.
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Friday, November 26, 2010
Dr Jerip not an issue in Bengoh
KUCHING: The voters in N16 Bengoh constituency are still supportive of incumbent Dr Belek @Jerip Anak Susil, 53, from the troubled Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) which lost eight seats at the last state election in 2006.
The voters still wants Dr Jerip to stay but not the party he is representing. They wanted SUPP move out of the area and swap the seat with either PBB or SPDP.
"Dr Jerip he is still relatively young in politics. He still have at least 10 more years to be in active politics and to ease him out prematurely is a lost to the constituency," said Jerip's supporters met during a function in Bengoh recently.
At least four individuals are keen on the seat. They are a senior custom officer, a bank officer, an accountant and two times election candidate Mangan Ngandok.
The accountant is often seen with Mambong member of Parliament Datuk Dr James Dawos Mamit at functions attended by Dawos.
"If the party leadership (SUPP/BN) decided not to re-nominate Dr Jerip then Datuk (Dr James Dawos) will recommend the accountant will to the party leadership to contest in Bengoh constituency," said a source close to Dr Dawos.
“No matter who is the representative in Bengoh if he/she is from SUPP it will make no difference,” said Dr Jerip sympathizers.
SPDP is making its presence there and had won praises from the people.
Bengoh is one of two Bidayuh-majority seats controlled by SUPP. The other is Opar.
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The voters still wants Dr Jerip to stay but not the party he is representing. They wanted SUPP move out of the area and swap the seat with either PBB or SPDP.
"Dr Jerip he is still relatively young in politics. He still have at least 10 more years to be in active politics and to ease him out prematurely is a lost to the constituency," said Jerip's supporters met during a function in Bengoh recently.
At least four individuals are keen on the seat. They are a senior custom officer, a bank officer, an accountant and two times election candidate Mangan Ngandok.
The accountant is often seen with Mambong member of Parliament Datuk Dr James Dawos Mamit at functions attended by Dawos.
"If the party leadership (SUPP/BN) decided not to re-nominate Dr Jerip then Datuk (Dr James Dawos) will recommend the accountant will to the party leadership to contest in Bengoh constituency," said a source close to Dr Dawos.
“No matter who is the representative in Bengoh if he/she is from SUPP it will make no difference,” said Dr Jerip sympathizers.
SPDP is making its presence there and had won praises from the people.
Bengoh is one of two Bidayuh-majority seats controlled by SUPP. The other is Opar.
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Sunday, November 21, 2010
SPDP gaining support in Mambong
Is Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP) made its presence in areas not represented by the party in the State Legislative Assembly or Parliament? The answer is 'YES".
One of the areas is Mambong parliamentary constituency which is made up of the state seats of Bengoh and Tarat. The party's presence in the constituency was very much welcomed. The number of members are increasing and majority of them are the youths.
Party president Dato Sri William Mawan, when speaking at the SPDP Mambong charity dinner on November 6 aid its growing presence in Mambong should not be viewed as a threat by fellow Barisan Nasional (BN) components.
He allayed such fears by stressing that SPDP, being a multi-racial party, could be a platform for the people of various racial backgrounds to work together and consolidate the BN in the area.
“People may say, ‘what business has SPDP got in Mambong?’ Don’t think like that because we are here for the consolidation of BN. There is no need to be suspicious.
“We will throw our support to the BN candidate here. If you are opposition-inclined, we want to get you to support the BN.
“There is nothing wrong to get as many new SPDP members in Bengoh and Tarat for as long as they belong to the BN,” he said.
He said this had to be done to counter the threats posed by the opposition which gained strength and formed the government in several states in the peninsula after the 2008 general election.
“We can’t be racist and polarise ourselves. If we stay at one corner and look at things from one political introverted angle, it will not serve the BN.
Mawan stressed yesterday that SPDP’s priority in the next state election was to ensure BN’s victory.
“We have our traditional seats and we have our incumbents. At the moment we are sticking to them.
“Incumbents will be recommended to defend their seats and we have prepared them for the elections.
“We have the areas but we don’t mind swapping or exchanging areas so long a Barisan wins. That is the most important thing,” Mawan stressed.
“Other people are welcome to point to us areas which they think we could defend better, and we will take them into consideration.
“If other people, groups or candidates in our area feel that they could defend Barisan seats better than SPDP come and talk to us," he added.
Meanwhile the charity dinner organised by SPDP Mambong to raise fund to build a new house for single mother Rosenah Anak Sijak, 41, from Kampung Garung has touched the hearts of many people.
They praised SPDP Mambong for the noble work which has never being held before by any other BN component party or the opposition.
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Sunday, October 24, 2010
Only 5 percent Bidayuh are graduates
The Bidayuh should not be complacent with the community’s achievements in the field of education as there was no truth to claims that the community has the highest percentage of graduates.
Head of assistant directors of the State Planing Unit in the Chief Minister Department, Nicholas Amin said according to the previous data there was less than three percent Bidayuh who are graduates.
“Now the percentage could be four to five percent as more Bidayuh are entering universities,” said Nicholas in his paper presented at the Dayak Bidayuh National Association (DBNA) Youth Conference for Bau-Lundu Zone at Bau Civic Centre yesterday.
He said the community needs to set their target to produce 40,000 Bidayuh graduates in all fields by the year 2020.
The present Bidayuh population is approximately 200,000.
In general the Bidayuh are still behind the other races in the field of education, particularly in the technical and skilled trainings.
“The rate of illiteracy is also still high and the community should look into the problem to find solutions to immediately resolve it,” he pointed out.
Nicholas further said the Bidayuh must continue to realize that education is the key to be successful in life.
As such he said the vision to have at least one graduate in every Bidayuh family by the year 2010 should continue.
“Our community need to realize that education is very important because only with good education can ones be successful in their life,” he added.
Hence Nicholas urged Bidayuh parents to give priority to their children educations and not wasting their income on things like buying 4-digit numbers and consuming alcohol.
Touching on poverty among the community, Nicholas said it is still the main concern with the rate of hardcore poor in the community is still quite high, the problem that must be addressed urgently.
When asked later after presenting his paper Nicholas said he could not provide the percentage because after 2008 there was no data according to the ethnic group.
“The only available data was on the percentage under the Bumiputera group. I have asked for the data but it has not been release to me.
“If we want to know the exact percentage or numberm, what we can do is to conduct our own study,” he added.
Nicholas urged the Bidayuh community leaders to work harder to assist the hardcore poor Bidayuh to get the necessary assistance from the government like the e-kasih scheme and the housing project for the hardcore poor (PPRT).
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Festival of the skulls bathing
The worriors shouted but everybody present at the festival venue observed strictly the dos and don'ts to avoid being harmed by the spirits.
Everybody were in celebration mood as thousands of them from near and far converged Kampung Sebujit in West Kalimantan, Indonesia to witness the annual human's skulls bathing ritual called 'nyobeng' in the local Bidayuh language.
The ceremony which was practised by pagan Bidayuh a long time ago is still observed by the community in the Sibujit district of West Kalimantan in Indonesia.
A group of 17 Dayak Bidayuh National Association (DBNA) Supreme Council members and branches leaders led by its president Datuk Ik Pahon Anak Joyik were in Sebujit in the District of Siding Kabupaten Bengkayang in Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia to join the Bidayuh community there to celebrate the 'nyobeng' ritual/festival and the "Budaya Serumpun" gathering.
Traditionally hundreds of years ago 'nyobeng' was being held to welcome home their worriors from head-hunting trips but since head hunting activities is no longer being practised here nowadays, the ceremony is being held to bath the skulls captured by their ancestors.
Every time the ceremony is being observed the Bidayuh community in Sibujit will invite fellow Bidayuh from Sarawak to attend the occassion.
According to several reference, ‘nyobeng’ is a ritual of bathing the human skulls which was captured during the ‘ngayau’ (headhunting trip) by their ancestors hundreds of years ago.
According to the 'ketua adat' (customary chief) of Kampung Sebujit, Pak Amin, during the 'nyobeng' ritual the spirit of the human skulls are being fed and the skulls which are kept in the 'adat house' (customar house) are given bath.
During the ritual ceremony all the worriors gathered at the entrance to the village to guest and asked on their purpose of visit to the village.
"Nyobeng is an annual ritual ceremony performed since our forefather time. In the olden days the ceremony was held to welcome home our worriors from the headhunting trip but as there is no more headhunting activities the occassion is being observed to bath the skulls," explained Pak Ali.
Dressed in red with beads and animal teeths decorated around their neck and armed with parangs, blowpipes and guns the worriors fired gun shots to the air to welcome their guests.
Pak Amin said the gun shot was to call the spirits of "komang" or "leluhur" and at the same time asking permission from the spirits to perform the 'nyobeng' ritual.
At the ceremony recently the 'ketua adat' threw a dog to the air and a group leader of DBNA delegates was given the honour to slaughter the dog.
Later on the 'ketua adat' threw a black chicken to the air and again the delegates' leader was asked to slaughter it.
The 'ketua adat' later invited the women taking part in the ritual to throw eggs to their quests. If the eggs broke it mean the vistors are coming to the village with sincerity.
While the 'ketua adat' threw white and yellow coloured rice to the air he chanting to the spirits to seek the permission to hold the ritual.
Later the ladies offered tuak to the quests and escorted them to 'Rumah Balug' in the middle of the village for another session of the 'nyobeng' ritual ceremony.
Meanwhile the “Budaya Serumpun” event was organised by Dinas Budparpora Bengkayang through Kasi Kesenian Tradisional dan Modern, Ricky H. Silalahi Jumat. The organiser for DBNA were Ik Pahon and Alim Mideh.
The journey from the Malaysian-Indonesian boarder to Seluas in West Kalimantan, Indonesia was arranged by K.Gunawan of Sibujit and it took about one hour through Jagoi Babang and Siding district.
From Seluas bazaar the group took boat ride to reach Sungai Bumbum before continuing their journey on foot for one and a half hour to reach Kampung Sebujit.
Jindy explained that the visit was to enable DBNA dan Dayak Bidayuh Indonesia to enhance culture cooperation between the Bidayuh of both countries.
"It is hoped that the visit and the organisation of the "Budaya Serumpun' event could promote positive attitude among the Bidayuh from both side in various fields including ecomomic, social, culture and agriculture," he said.
On arrival in Sibujit the delegates were brought to Rumah Adat or locally known as “Rumah Adat Balug”. The house is owned by the local Bidayuh. It is situated at Desa Sebujit and was used for the 'nyobeng' ritual ceremony.
In Sebujit also found homestay programme to house the guests. Some of DBNA delegates also stayed at the homestay. Altogether 15 homestay houses are available there, with a canteen. Each house is able to accomodate five to six guests.
For some this probably the first time they ever witnessed the 'nyobeng' ritual ceremony.
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Pandelela jumps to see the world
“JUMP! Don’t be afraid to jump if you want to see the world.”
George Pamg, the father of international diver’s sensation Pandelela Rinong said he gave those words of encouragement to all his four children.
And true enough when two of her four children, Pandelela, 17, and her elder brother Pardika Indoma, 18, both jumped from the platform at the Stampark Swimming Pool in BDC, Kuching at the age of six years old and eventually they won medals at the Sukma Games before they both flew to several countries all over the world to participate in the international diving championships.
Both Pandelela and Pardika has been to Jakarta, Sydney, China, Laos, Rome, Germany, Singapore and recently India to name a few to compete in international diving championships.
Pandelela, a Bidayuh lass from Kampung Jugan, Bau is now on top of the world following her recent achievements, wining one silver and one gold medal for the nation at the just concluded XIX Commonwealth Games in New Delhi.
To date Pandelela has won 71 medals in total with 17 medals from international meets (seven gold, seven silver and three bronze) while the rest are from national championships.
She won a gold and silver medals at the 2007 SEA Games, four gold medals at the 5th Asian Age Group Championship 2007 in Jakarta, one silver and one bronze at the Youth Olympic Games 2009, Sydney, one silver and one bronze at the 5th FINA Diving Grand Prix 2009 in China, two gold at the SEA Games in Laos, one bronze at the World Championship in Rome, Italy in 2009, three gold and one silver at the Mini Olympic 2009, two silver at the Youth Olympic Games 2009 in Singapore and one gold, one silver at the XIX Commonwealth Games in New Delhi.
Pandelela was awarded Sarawak Promising Sports Woman for 2007/2008 and she also received RM20,000 incentive from the federal government.
Inconjunction with the Yang di-Pertua Negeri birthday on Saturday Pandelela together with another Sarawak’s international diver Brian Nickson Lomas were conferred the Darjah Yang Amat Mulia Bintang Sarawak – Ahli Bintang Sarawak.
Her elder brother Pardika is also an international diver and had just competed in the international meet in USA but failed to win any medal. Both are studying at Bukit Jalil Sports School. Pardika is a pre-university student while Pandelela is in her fifth form.
But their successful stories did not come without having gone through hardship and sacrifices.
Pamg said for seven years he sacrificed his time, money and energy to support his two children before seeing them successful.
He said Pandelela started taking the sport when she was in Year One (Primary 1) at SJC Stampin in Kuching.
“She was among those picked to undergo selection at Stampark Swimming Pool in Kuching and was selected to represent the state and was trained by Chinese coaches at that time.
“Since then I was fully occupied having to divide my time between working and sending her to school early in the morning, picking her from school in the afternoon and sent her to the Stampark Swimming Pool for training and picking her for home in the evening.
“Sometimes Pandelela have to eat and drink in the car. She was fully occupied between school and training. In the morning she has to attend classes, after class she went straight for training,” explained Pamg.
However because of his wish to see both Pandelela and Pardika excel in the sport, Pamg never gave up and was determine to go on with the daily routine.
Pamg also became part time driver to the Pandelela's Chinese coach.
“When the Chinese coach want to go out to town or going up and coming down from the airport I have to drive her. She was closed to Pandelela and our family because she could communicate in Mandarin with Pandelela,” Pamg said.
At that time the family stayed in a house at a construction site at Stutong area, not far away from the Lions Nursing Home.
Pandelela attended her Form One at SMK Tabuan Jaya for only six months and later moved to Bukit Jalil Sports School in 2006.
Since then Pandelela seldom come home as she was very busy with her trainings dan tournament's schedule. She was surpose to come home three times a year – during Gawai Dayak, Christmas and Hari Raya.
Sometimes she only returned to her parent’s home in Taman Samarex in Kota Samarahan once a year.
The other divers from Sarawak who trained under the Chinese coach together with Pandelela were Brian Nickson Lomas, Abdul Afiq Aziznuddin, Elizabeth Jimi and Pardika Indoma.
“It was really tough for Pandelela but she was strong. She cried when her coach punished her but she never mentioned that she wanted to quit,” said Pamg.
Pamg said he saw the Chinese coach hitting Pandelela with slippers when Pandela commits mistakes, adding that was normal to him and he never have any quarell with the coach.
“I knew the coach wanted her to be the best. Most of the divers training together with her quits training because they could not stand it,” he added.
On the allowances received by Pandelela, Pamg said it was hardly enough to cover her daughter expenses, adding that sometimes he gave Pandelela her pocket money.
Pamg was however disappointed with the State Sports Council when they stop paying Pandelela’s allowance since 2008, and now she is only receiving allowance from the the National Sports Council (MSN).
“I do not understand why the State Sports Council stop paying her allowance,” said Pamg, adding he was not sure how much allowance is her daughter receiving from MSN.
Pamg was however happy with the MSN for their prompt payments of incentives to her daughter each time she win medals for the country.
He confirmed that her daughter has received the RM20,000 incentives for wining a gold and a silver medal in Youth Olympic Games in Singapore in August this year.
“For the gold and silver medals she won at the just concluded Commonwealth Games in New Delhi, my daughter told me the incentives is expected to be paid to her after the Asian Games in Guangzhou, China in November,” he said.
A committee member of the Dayak Bidayuh National Association (DBNA) Youth Wing, Rojers Peter said Pandelela deserve to receive incentives from both the federal and the state government.
He suggested the state government give either a house or a piece of land in Kuching to Pandelela as the incentives.
“I think that is not too much as Pandelela has made the state and country proud with her superb achievements,” added Rojers.
Pamg work as a labourer at a construction sites in Sejingkat and his income is not steady.
"If there is jobs to do I will be paid daily salary and when my employer is out of job I will also be out of job and I will be without salary." But Pamg still have to pay the monthly instalments for a house they bought in 2005.
Pandedela has two other siblings who are still studying, Pici Parnia, 12, and Parcelia Renyelia, 10, who were both studying at SK Jalan Muara Tuang in Year Six and four respectively.
However both Pici and Parcellia did not like the sport as they were afraid of water.
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George Pamg, the father of international diver’s sensation Pandelela Rinong said he gave those words of encouragement to all his four children.
And true enough when two of her four children, Pandelela, 17, and her elder brother Pardika Indoma, 18, both jumped from the platform at the Stampark Swimming Pool in BDC, Kuching at the age of six years old and eventually they won medals at the Sukma Games before they both flew to several countries all over the world to participate in the international diving championships.
Both Pandelela and Pardika has been to Jakarta, Sydney, China, Laos, Rome, Germany, Singapore and recently India to name a few to compete in international diving championships.
Pandelela, a Bidayuh lass from Kampung Jugan, Bau is now on top of the world following her recent achievements, wining one silver and one gold medal for the nation at the just concluded XIX Commonwealth Games in New Delhi.

She won a gold and silver medals at the 2007 SEA Games, four gold medals at the 5th Asian Age Group Championship 2007 in Jakarta, one silver and one bronze at the Youth Olympic Games 2009, Sydney, one silver and one bronze at the 5th FINA Diving Grand Prix 2009 in China, two gold at the SEA Games in Laos, one bronze at the World Championship in Rome, Italy in 2009, three gold and one silver at the Mini Olympic 2009, two silver at the Youth Olympic Games 2009 in Singapore and one gold, one silver at the XIX Commonwealth Games in New Delhi.
Pandelela was awarded Sarawak Promising Sports Woman for 2007/2008 and she also received RM20,000 incentive from the federal government.
Inconjunction with the Yang di-Pertua Negeri birthday on Saturday Pandelela together with another Sarawak’s international diver Brian Nickson Lomas were conferred the Darjah Yang Amat Mulia Bintang Sarawak – Ahli Bintang Sarawak.
Her elder brother Pardika is also an international diver and had just competed in the international meet in USA but failed to win any medal. Both are studying at Bukit Jalil Sports School. Pardika is a pre-university student while Pandelela is in her fifth form.
But their successful stories did not come without having gone through hardship and sacrifices.
Pamg said for seven years he sacrificed his time, money and energy to support his two children before seeing them successful.
He said Pandelela started taking the sport when she was in Year One (Primary 1) at SJC Stampin in Kuching.
“She was among those picked to undergo selection at Stampark Swimming Pool in Kuching and was selected to represent the state and was trained by Chinese coaches at that time.
“Since then I was fully occupied having to divide my time between working and sending her to school early in the morning, picking her from school in the afternoon and sent her to the Stampark Swimming Pool for training and picking her for home in the evening.
“Sometimes Pandelela have to eat and drink in the car. She was fully occupied between school and training. In the morning she has to attend classes, after class she went straight for training,” explained Pamg.
However because of his wish to see both Pandelela and Pardika excel in the sport, Pamg never gave up and was determine to go on with the daily routine.
Pamg also became part time driver to the Pandelela's Chinese coach.
“When the Chinese coach want to go out to town or going up and coming down from the airport I have to drive her. She was closed to Pandelela and our family because she could communicate in Mandarin with Pandelela,” Pamg said.
At that time the family stayed in a house at a construction site at Stutong area, not far away from the Lions Nursing Home.
Pandelela attended her Form One at SMK Tabuan Jaya for only six months and later moved to Bukit Jalil Sports School in 2006.
Since then Pandelela seldom come home as she was very busy with her trainings dan tournament's schedule. She was surpose to come home three times a year – during Gawai Dayak, Christmas and Hari Raya.
Sometimes she only returned to her parent’s home in Taman Samarex in Kota Samarahan once a year.
The other divers from Sarawak who trained under the Chinese coach together with Pandelela were Brian Nickson Lomas, Abdul Afiq Aziznuddin, Elizabeth Jimi and Pardika Indoma.
“It was really tough for Pandelela but she was strong. She cried when her coach punished her but she never mentioned that she wanted to quit,” said Pamg.
Pamg said he saw the Chinese coach hitting Pandelela with slippers when Pandela commits mistakes, adding that was normal to him and he never have any quarell with the coach.
“I knew the coach wanted her to be the best. Most of the divers training together with her quits training because they could not stand it,” he added.
On the allowances received by Pandelela, Pamg said it was hardly enough to cover her daughter expenses, adding that sometimes he gave Pandelela her pocket money.
Pamg was however disappointed with the State Sports Council when they stop paying Pandelela’s allowance since 2008, and now she is only receiving allowance from the the National Sports Council (MSN).
“I do not understand why the State Sports Council stop paying her allowance,” said Pamg, adding he was not sure how much allowance is her daughter receiving from MSN.
Pamg was however happy with the MSN for their prompt payments of incentives to her daughter each time she win medals for the country.
He confirmed that her daughter has received the RM20,000 incentives for wining a gold and a silver medal in Youth Olympic Games in Singapore in August this year.
“For the gold and silver medals she won at the just concluded Commonwealth Games in New Delhi, my daughter told me the incentives is expected to be paid to her after the Asian Games in Guangzhou, China in November,” he said.
A committee member of the Dayak Bidayuh National Association (DBNA) Youth Wing, Rojers Peter said Pandelela deserve to receive incentives from both the federal and the state government.
He suggested the state government give either a house or a piece of land in Kuching to Pandelela as the incentives.
“I think that is not too much as Pandelela has made the state and country proud with her superb achievements,” added Rojers.
Pamg work as a labourer at a construction sites in Sejingkat and his income is not steady.
"If there is jobs to do I will be paid daily salary and when my employer is out of job I will also be out of job and I will be without salary." But Pamg still have to pay the monthly instalments for a house they bought in 2005.
Pandedela has two other siblings who are still studying, Pici Parnia, 12, and Parcelia Renyelia, 10, who were both studying at SK Jalan Muara Tuang in Year Six and four respectively.
However both Pici and Parcellia did not like the sport as they were afraid of water.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Former Iban tracker is sick in his longhouse
Jepit who served in the British Army between 1951 to 1952 is sick at his longhouse Rumah Panjang Pelasok, Skrang in Sri Aman Division and badly needs financial assistance.
He needs a wheel chair to move around as he is paralysed due to stroke.
Life is really hard for him and his blind wife, Kemban Anak Renang, 60. They have no other income except receiving RM70 monthly allowance from the Jabatan Hal Ehwal Veteran Angkatan Tentara Malaysia.
Jepit who is also suffering from other sicknesses - hepatitis and high blood pressure, alleged that he has been denied welfare assistance from the government.
He said that he had applied for welfare assistance from the Welfare Department but up to now he did not receive any form of assistance from the department.
“If others who are better off than me can get the assistance, then why can’t I? I had sacrificed to serve the nation, and the government should consider helping me, especially when I am old and unable to work,” he added.
Jepit and his wife are being taken care by their second eldest son, Thomas who is a farmer, whose income was barely enough for the family.
For his service Jepit was awarded the service medal while serving 1st BN, The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) (Iban Platoon) in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan in 1952.
Recalling his days in service Jepit said his first attachment was with ‘A’ Company, Ist Batalion Green Howards in Malacca for four months in 1951 before joining 1st Batallion The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) with the Iban Platoon in 1952.
Jepit has claimed that he was the recipient of the King George Cross medal but a check with the Sarawak branch of the Armed Force Veteran Department revealed that he was only awarded the service medal.
Records showed there was only one Iban tracker being awarded King George Cross medal in the person of Awang anak Rawang who served with the Iban Tracker Platoon in Johor.
Awang was awarded with the medal on Nov 20, 1951 in recognition of his bravery act in guarding injured soldiers.
The medal was created in 1940 by King George VI to recognize bravery of the highest order by civilians and (later) members of the armed forces who carried out acts of bravery while direct enemy force was not involved.
A worker from the Sarawak branch of the Armed Force Veteran Department Ismail Bin Awang Johny said Jepit like the other Iban Trackers are only entitled to receive the RM70 monthly allowance.
He said only after the proposed Armed Force Veteran Act is approved and enforced only than the allowance of those Iban Trackers and other categories of the armed force veterans could be increased.
Ismail suggested that Jepit’s wife to apply for the Welfare Department assistance.
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010
More than 80 families in Kampung Bumuk without electricity
KUCHING: More than 80 families in Kampung Bumbok extension are still without electricity supply.
They have been in the dark for more than 10 years now although the village is just 19 kilometres away from the Kuching City.
These are new houses built after the second phase of the Rural Electricity Supply Scheme (RESS) extended to the village in the early 90s.
The first phase was implemented in the 70s.
“The villagers were promised several times by the government to extend RESS to these houses but up to today it remains promises,” said the village’s Development and Security Committee member, Mortima Yorke Gohe.
He said the application for the project was first forwarded to the Ministry of Public Utilities in 2000 and another four letters was forwarded in 2004, 2006, 2007 and 2008 respectively.
Motima said the replies they received from the ministry was in 2004, 2007, 2008 and August 2010 respectively but none of the letter from the Ministry of Public Utilities confirmed that the proposed project has been approved and implemented.
He said in the first letters from the Ministry of Development dated 22 December 2004 stated that the application has been received from JKKK Kampung Bumbok and has been included in the RESS list.
“The second letter received from the same ministry dated 17 April January 2007 also stated that the project will be considered for implementation under the 9th Malaysia Plan while the third letter dated July 30, 2008 stated that the project is under consideration to be included under RESS in the 9th Malaysia Plan,” said Mortima.
He said the fourth letter dated August 12, 2010 from the Ministry of Public Utilities stated that the proposed RESS project for the village has been put in the database of the ministry and to be considered to be implementation in 2011/2012 but depending on approval from the Ministry of Rural and Regional Development, Malaysia.
“There was no concrete decision on the approval of the project. It just mentioned that the application has been put in the database but did not state that the project has been approved.
“We are already tired of receiving empty promises and we really hope that this time the government will fulfill their promise to us,” said Mortima.
Mortima said the villagers urged the their representative Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister Department Tan Joo Phoi and Deputy Work Minister Datuk Yong Khoon Seng to act to bring the project to the village.
He said the villagers has to depend on generator sets for the electricity supply while students who were given laptops by the Federal Government has to charge their computer’s battery at their relatives house.
“It’s troublesome and we really hope the government extend the project to us because to extend the supply individually (not scheme) will cost a lot of money, which the villagers couldn’t afford,” he added.
To connect the supply to one house would cost more than RM7,000, said Mortima.
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Thursday, September 9, 2010
Single mother, Rosmah needs assistance
KUCHING: Tears ran down her face. Her two daughters, Fasillah, 17, and Liza, 15, hugged her and cried while her three-year-old son hugged her legs, although he didn’t understand why her mother and siblings were hugging each other.
Those present were all silent, obviously sharing Rosmah’s plight and her three children.
A 41-year-old single mother, Rosmah Anak Sija was touched by the visit of Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP) Supreme Council member Captain Zainuddin Tan Sri Haji Hamdan who together with the protem committee members of SPDP Mambong branch visited the family at their depilated home at Kampung Garung, Jalan Puncak Borneo, 40 kilometer from Kuching yesterday.
Life started to be hard for Rosmah when her husband died of liver cancer in 2007. Her eldest daughter, Fallisa who was in form two then, has to leave school to take care of her younger brother while Rosmah went to work at a food stall in Mile 13th, Jalan Puncak Borneo.
Her second daughter, Liza is now in form three at SMK Penrissen.
Rosmah said her eldest daughter had to leave school due to the hardship she and her children faced after the death of her beloved husband in 2007.
“Life was so hard for us after the death of my husband. I couldn’t afford to send my daughter to school and she has to leave school when she was in form two. Later I found myself a job at a food stall at Mile 13th canteen (near to Institut Latihan Kesihatan).
“I need to work to earn some money to feed my three children but it was also sad that my eldest daughter had to leave school to take care of her younger brother,” Rosmah said, and wiped her tears.
She said she was paid just a little bit more than RM10 a day for working at a food’s stall, the amount barely enough for her family’s expenses.
Rosmah grows banana and some vegetables on a piece of land near her house and sell them to earn extra income for the family.
Last year Rosmah was diagnosed with breast cancer and was removed in Mac this year, but it developed again and on September 27 she will be going to the Sarawak General Hospital (SGH) for the ultra sound check-up.
Rosmah said her expenses to seek treatments both at a private clinic and the Sarawak General Hospital (SGH) was too high, which she can’t afford.
“I really pity my children. They do not have enough food to eat. Most of the time we were only had tapioca leaves and wild jungle produces for lunch and dinner. I can’t afford nice food for them,” he added.
The family received RM165 monthly assistance from the Welfare Department but still that wasn’t enough to cover the high cost of living these days.
Rosmah also applied for the e-Kasih scheme but up to now she received nothing and was wondering why she did not get the assistance under the echeme.
She thanked Capt. Zainuddin and SPDP members for their concern and cash donations presented by Capt. Zainuddin to her family.
Capt. Zainuddin said their immediate action to help reducing the family burden was to get relevant authorities assistance like the Jabatan Kemas and the Education Department.
“We will seek for funds to built Rosmah’s new house and when the money is ready the house will be built on a gotong-royong.
“I will also discuss with the party’s chairman Dato Sri William Mawan on how best the party can help the family,” he said.
The house where the Rosmah and her three children are staying in now is really in bad shape, not decent to call it a house.
He said a fund-raising dinner will be held to collect funds for the family.
Capt. Zainuddin said he will personally meet the State director of education and the minister in-charge of education in Sarawak Datin Fatimah Abdullah on how to enable Rosmah’s eledest daughter Fasillah to return back to school.
He also also called for public donation for the family, saying those intend to donate can either come straight to the family or call him at 013-3500279.
Capt. Zainuddin also pledged his personal monthly contribution to the family and will open a bank account under his name and the ATM card will be given to Rosmah to enable her to withdraw the money.
Also present during the visit was KEMAS Community Developer Tori Gerok who advised Rosmah to fill in the single mother form and apply for e-kasih scheme.
Tori promised to help Rosmah with the process and forward her application to the relevant authorities.
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Hidroelektrik hanya menguntungkan kumpulan tertentu di Sarawak
KUCHING: Ahli Parlimen Bandar Kuching Chong Chieng Jen tidak mahu sebarang empangan hidroelektrik dibina lagi di Sarawak.
Beliau yang juga setiausaha Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP)Sarawak menyifatkan pembinaan empangan tersebut merosakkan alam sekitar dan biodiversiti di negeri, selain hanya menguntungkan kumpulan tertentu sahaja.
Tambahan pula, katanya, empangan-empangan tersebut juga bukannya untuk mengurangkan tarif elektrik untuk perniagaan tempatan, kilang-kilang, pengguna domestik, tetapi "membekalkan elektrik dengan kadar sangat murah kepada loji peleburan".
"Pembinaan empangan hidroelektrik seumpamanya memusnahkan hutan rimba dan habitat penduduk pribumi.
"Pengguna yang disasarkan ialah loji peleburan, yang juga merupakan industri yang paling mencemarkan alam sekitar. Kita tidak memerlukan itu," katanya dalam satu kenyataan, semalam.
Beliau berkata demikian sebagai respons kepada kenyataan Menteri Perancangan dan Pengurusan Sumber Kedua, Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan, yang dipetik berkata negeri ini memerlukan empangan hidroelektrik Bakun dan Murum bagi membekalkan elektrik kepada sebuah loji peleburan aluminium milik kumpulan tertentu.
Chong yang juga Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Kota Sentosa mendakwa konsortium itu sedang berunding dengan Syarikat SESCo Berhad bagi membekalkan kuasa elektrik pada kadar RM0.08 per kilo watt sejam (kwh) bagi loji yang dicadangkan.
Setakat ini, perniagaan tempatan, kilang dan pengguna domestik membayar kira-kira RM0.30 bagi bekalan elektrik, katanya.
"Apa yang menjadikan konsortium itu sangat istimewa sehingga membolehkan mereka menikmati kadar yang sangat rendah?
"Kenyataan Awang Tengah jelas menunjukkan bahawa bekalan elektrik yang murah dijana daripada empangan-empangan ini tidak akan memanfaatkan perniagaan tempatan, pihak industri dan juga pengguna domestik," tegasnya.
Chong berkata, untuk menjana kuasa hidroelektrik menelan modal permulaan yang sangat tinggi untuk membina empangan walaupun ia merupakan kaedah menjana elektrik yang paling murah.
Sebagai contoh, katanya, kerajaan membelanjakan berbilion ringgit unhtuki membina Empangan Bakun dan akan terus membayar faedah pinjaman untuk modal perbelanjaan bagi tempoh yang lama.
"Baru-baru ini kerajaan negeri bercakap mengenai membeli Empangan Bakun daripada kerajaan persekutuan.
"Peruntukan untuk pembelian itu akan dikeluarkan oleh penduduk Sarawak, dan semua penduduk Sarawak akan terus membayar kos kewangan untuk pembelian itu," katanya.
Justeru, beliau menyeru kerajaan negeri menghentikan rancangan untuk membina lebih banyak empangan elektrik di negeri jika projek seumpamanya membebankan rakyat dan hanya menguntungkan kumpulan tertentu.
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